Oh wow! This is truly beautiful! Just imagine finding a bottle like this on the beach! :) Great work!
Oh wow! This is truly beautiful! Just imagine finding a bottle like this on the beach! :) Great work!
Thank you so much!! 😊
Love this piece! The proportions are a bit off and it looks a bit stiff, mostly around the legs, but I love the concept! The outfit is great too and the design of the swords is really great ass well! Keep up the good work :)
Thanks a lot!!! Your tips will definitely be taken into account! :)
Honestly fantastic work! Love it!
Thank you!!
I think it's great! I'd only would add a tiny bit of shading to her lower lip, that's all, but it's just really good otherwise! Keep up the good work!
Thanks mate, really appreciate it! I was thinking the same but was too late by the time I posted it haha
The kid looks a tiny bit stiff to me, but the wolf is fantastic! And so are the clothes, great work!
I agree! This is an older drawing. 3 years old now I think. Gotta redo it if I wanna do it justice!
I really like the hair! And you did a great colour selection :) also the folds in the purple sock are great!
Thank you very much for your kind words and for the fave!
Have an amazing day :3
Lovely piece! It kinda gives me the creeps though ;) Love the movement it has, really seems to come alive :)
thank you!
Accidentally stumbled across this one... Wow, this is a really amazing portrait!! The detail is absolutely stunning, but it still has that arty look to it (if that makes sense :p ) Keep up the good work!
Thanks! Totally makes sense haha
I'm currently a history student trying to find the courage to finish my studies. In the art department I'm working to improve my skills, experiment with new techniques and just fool around a bit. All tips, remarks, help,... are welcome. I'm here to learn
University of Ghent
Joined on 7/8/16